Citizens Republic

“Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself” Wittgenstein

Buy Nothing Day. Plan for it now

Yep, there still is a recession and many people, experts, politicians and pundits will tell you that we need to spend more to kick-start the economy and this is true if that’s the kind of economy you want, the one where we go back to the future, purge ourselves of depth and then go and do it all again.

With that in mind, maybe it is time to think this year especially that Buy Nothing Day is more important than ever before. Could we have a different way of organising how we live?

We can have buy Irish days, buy organic, buy healthy and so on, so why not one day of pause and reflection and leave the shops to the tourists, Cook, clean, read a book, go to a library just keep the wallet closed.

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This entry was posted on November 11, 2011 by in advertising, economy, politics.