Citizens Republic

“Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself” Wittgenstein

Trees of life


Sometimes you wonder about political decision making. I get the big stuff like the little people should pay more taxes, get less services such as in health and education, as they can’t seem to get it together to take on the powerful, the powerless are generally ignored unless they get organised. Then governments and other monied interests spend the smallest amount of time dangling little baubles that divert the public’s attention while power gets on with the hard work of divide and conquer and slicing up the profit cake for their colleagues and partners.

But the little insignificant stuff like changing the colour of buses, where a traffic light goes or where a tree grows. Surely there are no powerful vested interests at work at here and a little consultation or discussion would halt the big business, buy more stuff world we live in here in Europe.

These pictures are from Lennox Street in Dublin’s South city where Dublin City Council go out their way to show just why they should not let be run the city. You can privatise the bins, sell ads for bike racks, allow all sorts of crazy planning decisions but cutting down trees. Seriously, is this so important?


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This entry was posted on April 6, 2013 by in photography, politics.